Well, it took far too long, but we finally installed a carseat for my daughter in my car. Now, back when she was in the infant carseat (in the misty times of long long ago... you know, a year ago) I had "a base" in my car, which allowed her to dock in my vehicle. Kind of like a small crying pooping starship.
Just to be safe we would monitor the weather carefully and often had to abort dockings due to upcoming solar storms. Hey, with a newborn you just can't be too careful. Anyway, like all good astronauts, Kiki eventually outgrew her shuttle (I know, I'm lost in this analogy myself), and moved up a size to the toddler (a.k.a. tweenie) carseat, which does not have a docking apparatus. Therefore, our days of radio communiques between base (me) and shuttle (kiki) were over, along with rides in my car with my child.
Now, according to those who have ridden with me, that may be for the best. According to my passengers I am a "dangerous," "psychotic," and "batshit crazy" driver. I just think they're small minded, restricting their vehicular usage to the "laws" of the "road" but they may have a point.
But now, once again, Kiki and I can enjoy some quality time together in my vehicle, which means she will be exposed to better music (sorry honey, I mean, your music taste is awesome too), higher g-forces (always good for developing neck muscles, right?), and, most importantly for her further development, more quality time with her dad.
Yep, I'm seeing many weekends of bike stores, book stores, and, well, probably bike stores, really. Should be good for her overall development... as a cyclist at least. And really, we can't be perfect, so as a parent I just try to focus on those things I can control.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago