Well, over a month later and my knee is still maintaining its stubborn rebellion against cycling. I have found this whole matter mildly irritating. Also, it's driving me fucking nuts.
Basically, my knee is 100% okay, so long as I don't ride my bike. Skiing? a-okay. Kickboxing? No problemo. Squats? More please. But push a little pedal in a circle? No fucking way! What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!
Now, several friends, family, coworkers, cyclists, and complete strangers at the bus stop have suggested that maybe I just don't, you know, ride my bike. Now, this does make sense, but much in the way a steady diet of vitamin pills and unflavored protein mush makes a good diet, neither one is going to work for me.
Now, I did take a solid two weeks off the bike, tried a little ride to find the knee still tender and took another week off. I even broke down and went to a doctor about it, to thankfully be told that I'm basically a jackass (it's a medical term) and over did it. The solution is... well... don't ride my bike.
No, well, stretch my quads, strengthen my hips, and ice my knees is the long answer, but the short one was "stop fucking doing that if it hurts you idiot." Thankfully, my doctor happens to also be a cyclist, so much like selecting a morbidly obese dietician, I found someone who would ignore my bigger issues and instead try to solve the peripheral ones. So, hopefully this will work out, otherwise I'm going to need to find some stronger painkillers.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago