Saturday, October 27, 2012

Potty time

Well, it finally happened, Kiki is potty trained.  I know, by putting such a statement out there we are guaranteed a remission and a return to months of diapers and accidents, but it's been a few weeks now of diaper freedom.  How did we manage this in only a few relatively trouble free weeks you ask?  Oh, you didn't ask.  Well, let me tell you anyway  But to be fair, for all the real tips you'll need to purchase my forthcoming book.

Mainly it was a combination of stern demanding, constant haranguing, and vicious discipline.  


Fine, that's a total lie, we basically let her poop wherever she wanted.  Including on the front porch or in front of the TV, during the Tour de France no less:

Yeah, that's pretty much my perfect seat in life.

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