Well, the Easter Bunny visited Kiki in the night, so we've got that part of Easter down. The whole religious/Jesus/God side of it... not so much.
See, my dear, long-suffering wife & editor came from a family with a Buddhist mother and a Protestant father, so she viewed Christianity as the thing that made you go somewhere with Dad every Sunday morning vs. Buddhism which allowed her mother to stay home alone and have some peace & quiet.
I came from a father who grew up Catholic in Europe, experiencing religion in cathedrals that had seen generations come & go, kingdoms rise & fall, ideologies flourish & die, and then he came to the United States where we have a church that is almost 12 years old!!!!! Needless to say, he didn't find religious rapture in institutions that had yet to hit puberty. My mother was raised Southern Baptist, with a central theme of people are sinners, women are sinners, you, Jean-Clare, are a sinner. Thankfully she recognized that this form of religion is less an aid in life and more of a bully, and distanced herself from it and organized religion in general.
Thus Kiki is, I guess, being raised without religion. I won't say atheist, as that indicates an adherence to a belief system almost as strong as most religions. It's a sort of sciency/loosely buddhist framework, informed at times with lessons from George Carlin and She-Ra.
Writing that out makes me realize how batshit crazy it sounds... but then that's probably the indication of a good religion, isn't it? Do you think the guys writing "How blessed will be the one who seizes your young children and pulverizes them against the cliff" (Psalm 137:9) were thinking how logical that was? Well, dear reader, count yourself lucky, you may have just witnessed the genesis of a new religion! You can call yourself a disciple if you want. Or Pope, for that matter, I don't really give a fuck. And we just found our central tenet!
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
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