Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Crack Commando Unit

In honor of the upcoming A*Team movie (nice work Hollywood, only 20 years late), I've created an answer for all your sleepless nights trying to decide which cast member best represents your personality.

A*Team personality quiz:

Pick the Answer that best describes yourself.

1) I am:

A) Older, smart, and have lots o' gray hair.
B) Large, black and intimidating.
C) A woman

2) I enjoy:

A) Solving problems, helping the helpless, cigars
B) Being filled with men
C) Being helpless

3) My idea of the perfect saturday night is:

A) Having a plan come together
B) Jumping off dirt ramps and smashing into things
C) Being helpless


Mostly "A"s :
Congratulations, you're Hannibal.  Um, what do you want, a medal?  Oh, you do?  Alright, I'll see what I can do.

Mostly "B"s:
Congratulations, you're the van.  Enjoy the brief increase in resale value you're going to enjoy following this remake, then be prepared to be stored in a barn next to a hillbilly's General Lee replicar.

Mostly "C"s:
We apologize, you appear to be a woman.  In the A*Team universe you register slightly above a cat and well below a helicopter in importance.  Sit back and hope a man comes along to help.

Hope that lets you rest a bit easier.  And, just for the record, Shaquille O'Neal would have made a kickass B.A. Baracus.  Bringing a bit of that Shaq-Fu magic back to the silver screen.

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