So, deciding that Kiki cannot be raised indoors for her entire life, we ventured forth today to the park. We figured between the rose gardens, the playground, and the wide open spaces she would be endlessly entertained. She did enjoy herself, but not exactly in the manner we expected.
Once again illustrating how little I understand of my darling daughter's thought process, she spent 90% of the time pointing out dogs and babies. Well, more accurately, "dohs" and "bebes." Almost nonstop and at increasing volume and with ever more intensity, lest we miss one. We would walk through the rose garden with Kiki saying "doh doh doh Doh Doh DOH DOH DOH" and pointing at every dog, squirrel, and bird. Sometimes she would switch it up by yelling "bebe BeBe BEBE" and pointing at any baby, child, short adult or even seated giant. We finally decided the rose garden wasn't cutting it so we ventured over to the playground. Unfortunately, once there she had no interest in the swings or slides but she did enjoy picking up random sticks and flailing them about. Just look how much fun she's having:
Okay, fine, so she doesn't look like the happiest child in the park. We were even worried that she just isn't that into the outdoors, but we later realized she was just sad she didn't have any "doh's" to whip into shape.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
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