Last night I was riding on the bike trail, enjoying my evening, when I came around a corner to see a man on the ground. From what I could gather as I slowed down, he had hit a speed bump in the road and just toppled over off his bike.
As I came up to him I saw that he did not appear to be bleeding or injured but I did slow to ask if he was okay. He did not answer, preferring to grumble to himself and slam his water bottle to the ground. About then another cyclist came along and passed the fallen rider, leaving about 5 feet of clearance and slowing considerably.
This, apparently, was the most absurd behavior to our fallen comrade (let's call him "Bert"). Bert proceeded to yell at the passing rider (who we'll dub "Nicodemus") "Nice fucking job, don't fucking slow for a fucking injured person, just fucking ride on asshole!"
Now, I was a bit confused, for I had, at this point, stopped to offer exactly that assistance Bert seemed so desperate for, but he had ignored me to this point. Maybe he didn't want my help, but it did seem somewhat rude. When the understandably befuddled Nicodemus stopped to see what, exactly, all the fuss was about Bert continued to berate him "Fucking asshole fucking riding right by you fucking fucker" (Bert wasn't exactly showing the breadth of his vocabulary).
To this, Nicodemus succinctly and appropriately responded, in an admirably calm tone, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
At this point, I figured these two had it all handled and I rode on my merry way, listening to their continued exchange as I rode on. However, on the rest of my ride I was puzzled as to why Bert was so disproportionately angry. I mean, when I'm injured I don't usually react with blind and misplaced rage. Usually. And frankly, he didn't appear injured at all. That's when I realized, he may have not cut or broken anything physical, but he shattered his fragile ego.
See, when you're a cyclist your sense of self becomes tragically distorted. Suddenly you think you're cool and hip because you shave your legs, you have multi-colored matching lycra outfits, and your arms are as slender as a 12 year old girl's. This delusion can become quite strong, until it all comes crashing down around you when you fall off your bike, especially when done at slow speed. Suddenly, as you lay on the ground, you realize with stunning clarity how you actually appear to the rest of the (non-cycling) world:
No wonder Bert was so upset.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
that was awesome...