Well, our darling daughter, being a prodigy, decided to get a head start on the "terrible twos." She has become a master of tantrums, pouting, and general insanity. Yeah, we couldn't be more proud.
Particularly when she decides to exert her newfound independence in public. Like when she absolutely refuses to be put in her car seat, mainly by going alternately rigid and limp, thereby jackknifing her body out of the seat and into the footwell. Or when she runs off in the grocery, grabbing things and then flipping out if you take it away, because obviously she HAD to have the pickled onions she happened to pull off the shelf. And of course she complements all these fits of pique with wailing, crying, and her new favorite, stomping around. If it wasn't so damn funny it could be annoying. Of course, our laughing only makes matters worse.
But seriously, when you watch your daughter slide into the footwell for the third time in a row, screaming in a pitch and volume last experienced in a Guns N' Roses concert and blowing snot bubbles from her nose, what else can you do but laugh? Well, that and call to schedule your vasectomy.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
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