Being as this is a fairly useless diversion, you may have noticed I don't put much effort into the search engine optimization, design, or even content of this blog (seriously, an entire post about adult onesies?). That being the case, I'm always interested to see the analytical tools that google provides to track the sources and numbers of visitors to my little corner of the internet. For those of you who don't have your own website (mom, I'm looking in your direction), you can discover a surprising amount about visitors to your website. Like where in the world they are located, what internet browser and connection speed they are using, even what terms they searched in google that led them to you. That was a surprising list. Let's take a look at the top ten, shall we?
10. Tulibo Blog
Okay, so no great surprise there. Let's continue.
9. Legoman
Hmmm, oh yes, a post about how Kiki's hair looked like a lego man. Probably not many satisfied web searchers there.
8. Poop Cake
Okay, I did mention a poop cake in a blog post, but are that many people interested? Really?
7. Shit Cake
Well, okay, so apparently that many people are interested.
6. Care Bear Pictures
I think I did mention Care Bears once in a post. Right?
5. Carebears
I guess I must have.
4. Care Bears Pictures
Apparently with a picture too.
3. Care Bear
Wow, okay, so Care Bears are apparently pretty popular on the net.
2. Tulibo
There we go, that's more expected. Thank god we're done with the Care Bears.
1. Care Bears
Well shit.
In case you think I'm exaggerating this, there were 81 searches for "Tulibo" that led to this site. For "Care Bears" alone there were 1,076! Yeah, so I'm going to change the focus of this blog from, well, whatever the hell it is right now, to Care Bears. Nothing but Care Bears, Care Bears, Care Bears!
You're welcome, internet.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
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