Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Parking Fail

I spotted this at the local Mexican restaurant (which, being the midwest, has exactly the same menu as every other mexican place in town, so annoying). At first I thought "ah, that's funny, someone failed terribly at painting a handicapped logo." However, after I had considered it for a bit I realized that no, this isn't a failure, it is just really handicapped parking. This isn't helping out those with a simple limp or even a missing limb, this is for people with one leg that bends the wrong way, another leg that is frozen in a sitting position, and they're being chased by some sort of large mouthed predator. Or, alternately, someone with gigantic feet, an enormous penis that is broken and a misshapen tail. Either way, they cannot afford a wheelchair and I think it's pretty amazing that this restaurant is thinking about this very small but extremely unfortunate segment of the population and easing their access slightly to unlimited chips and salsa and bland mexican food.

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