Well, we're 3 months into being parents and so far so good. As best we can tell, we haven't yet irrevocably messed up our child. So hurray for that. But we've already spent a lot of time debating whether we'll have any more children. In fact, it's probably our most popular debate. Actually, less of a debate, usually it's something more like this:
"Only one, right?"
"Oh yeah!"
But whenever we share the information with anyone that we are considering shutting down the reproduction factory, it's met with a combination of shock, confusion, or disbelief. This reaction seems to be especially common in those over the age of, oh, 35.
"How can you do that to her? You need to give her a brother or sister!"
"Surely you're not serious!"
"You don't mean that, you'll change your mind soon enough, just give it a couple of years."
But here's the thing, I really don't think we will. This parenting thing is great, awesome, best thing I've ever done, but that may be enough for us. Maybe we're lazy, maybe we're just not gluttons, but having one kid seems to just feel right right now....
Yeah, I know, in putting this out in the world I guarantee that we are going to have quintuplets.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
Don't make me explain how awesome having siblings is... I know you guys know better! This sounds like a self-delusion (and everyone-else-delusion) campaign to make sure there's plenty of excitement when #2 pops out. I'm not buying it for a second!