In my further attempts to spread useless knowledge, the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon is when you, after having learned an obscure fact or word for the first time, encounter that item repeatedly thereafter. For instance, upon learning that dacryops is moistness of the eye, suddenly you will notice it everywhere. Alright, maybe that example is a bit too obscure even for Baader and Meinhof. But still, a good word to know, for all your eye wetness discussions. Okay, after learning that the "internet" is this "web" of "networked" "computers," suddenly you will notice "websites" everywhere, on advertisements, magazines, even television ads. It's uncanny. Okay, fine, somewhere between dacryops and the internet lies the true realm of Baader-Meinhof.
The first time I heard about the phenomenon was upon learning the meaning of schadenfreude, joy in another's misfortune, a very German emotion. Suddenly it seemed to appear in every book, article, and show I came across. This led me to a discussion of this synchronistic phenomena, which I was informed had a name. Yep, good ol' B.M. Wait, that just means bowel movement. Hmmmm, B-M phenom? Nope, that just sounds like a phenomenal bowel movement. BaadMein? Meh, not in love with it but it'll do.
Anyway, a word I recently learned and hope to see a lot more of (to be BaadMein-ed?) is rawa-dawa. It is "the sensation of suddenly realizing you can do something reprehensible, and no one is there to witness it." Now, you may not think you have much use for such a phase, but just wait. Now that is has been planted in your head it will start to fester, and taint your thought process. Pretty soon you'll be seeing rawa-dawa everywhere you look. You can thank me later.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
lol.. "taint" & rawa-dawa go hand in hand, eh? ;)