Well, now we've done it. We booked tickets to Japan for the family. Exciting? Sure, yes, of course. But it is an excitement tinged with abject terror. 24 hours travel time. Three layovers. With a 7 month old. Yep, I keep envisioning an entire day of this:
But then it could be worse. Much, MUCH worse. I could be a stranger sitting next to her. At least she's my daughter, and I have some chance at calming her down, right? And besides, her crying sounds like sweet music to me. Sweet, sweet screamcore.
But we'll get through it. Besides, we've got a secret weapon! The sit-n-stroll. It's, well, it's...
It's a stoller!
No, it's a car seat!
NO, it's a stroller!!!
No, you're both wrong (and kind of douches too), it's both and MORE!
According to their manufacturer, it is 5, count 'em, 5 things in 1! It's a stoller AND a carseat AND a, uh, wait, you count rear facing and forward facing carseat as two things? And your other two are FAA seat and booster seat? So, really, it's 2 things in one. A seat and a stroller, right? Or, you could go the other way and say it's 1,322 things in 1. Hey, why the hell not. Let's go crazy!
It's a paperweight! It's a boat anchor! It's a miniature office chair! It's a sideways facing carseat! It's an emergency ejection seat (with option add-on rocket boosters)!
Despite all this, we bought it, and are hopeful that it will mildly smooth the travel to Japan. After all, Kiki needs to enjoy the many pleasures of Japan. That's right,
High-tech Toilets, requiring an engineering degree to flush:
Conveyor Belt Sushi:
Interesting Translations
Friendly Wildlife
Dogs in Pants
and Arcade Sex Machines
But no matter what, at least we know she already likes sushi.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
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