Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why not just suck on a flashlight?

So, being as I've written about a dozen posts and have hit the theoretical "blog-wall" I'm now using ideas from friends, families, strangers, and small woodland creatures (just wait until my squirrel post, it will change your life forever!).  So, Ross, thank you for alerting me to the disaster that is BluCigs

Please, take a moment to check out their site, I'll wait...

Okay, and welcome back.

Yes, I am befuddled myself.  Well, let's start from the beginning, shall we?  Judging from their homepage, the number one selling point for this product is that it is "Made in the USA."  Now, I'm not trying to be unpatriotic, but first I want to know what the fuck a product is before I care where it is manufactured.  There are some amazing wood tick pesticides manufactured in northern Texas.  Doesn't mean I want to buy them.

Okay, moving on.  It appears their quality control motto is "It's All Good."  Since your quality control appears to consist of a jackass douchebag (just try saying "it's all good" and not sounding like a jackass douchebag) equipped with a tiny checklist with the very technical categories of Excellent, Good, Average, and Poor (what, there wasn't room for "Totally Bitchin'"), forgive me if I am hesitant to stick your device in my MOUTH.  I am always a bit reluctant to stick electronics in my orifices, especially when they contain lithium batteries.  For those of you who slept through high school chemistry, here's what happens when lithium meets water:
Neato!  But I can smoke it anywhere!

But let's get back to BluCigs sales pitch.  I mean, sure, you can look like a complete douche, and have the thrill of possible chemical burns on your face, but what do these things actually contain?  Digging a bit through their site, you find their language gets more and more vague and nonspecific the deeper you get.  In question #27 (of 27) on the Customer Service page, you will find this gem:

What are the ingredients in e-liquid?
The blu cartridges contain nicotine (in levels of high, medium, low and no nicotine), propylene glycol, flavoring, and other safe flavoring ingredients exclusive to blu. These cartridges come in various flavors and nicotine contents to satisfy the needs of a variety of users. Propylene glycol is a water based ingredient found in many health products and medicines. None of the ingredients in the cartridges have been found to be toxic to humans.

Really?  Really?  REALLY?  So, nicotine has not been found to be toxic to humans?  So, in their definition, something that can kill you isn't toxic, huh?  Interesting.  I guess this just falls under the "It's All Good" umbrella.  Pardon me if I am a bit skeptical when you're "high" nicotine product contains 16 mg of nicotine, also known as over 50% of the lethal dose for adults.  Or, 150% of the lethal dose for children.  Oh, and propylene glycol, also known as anti-freeze?  Yeah, it's water based in that it contains hydrogen and oxygen.  But, don't worry, the propylene glycol website (yes, it has it's own lobbyist site) reassuringly states that "actually, from a toxicological point of view, alcohol is more toxic than propylene glycol."  Okay, sweet, because no one has ever died from alcohol, right?  Oh shit.  

But hey, don't worry, "It's All Good."


  1. live chat offered no further insight:

    Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK16603714196X

    Parker: Hello. Thank you for contacting Blu Cigs Help Desk. How may I assist you today?

    Major Tomas: I'm wondering how dangerous these products are vs. actual cigarettes...?

    Parker: blu is much healthier than a traditional cigarette. It doesn't contain the tar and the 3000+ other carcinogens present in traditional tobacco smoke.

    Parker: For further health questions we recommend speaking with your physician.

    Major Tomas: Are there medical studies or tests I can refer him to? I'm not sure he has any basis for comparison.

    Parker: Not that I'm aware of. We have had our eliquid tested and it has been found to be non-toxic.

    Major Tomas: Yeah, I guess that's kind of what I'm worried about. Nicotine is highly toxic. I'm sort of confused by that marketing claim.

    Parker: I recommend speaking to your physician about eliquid then. I can only provide you with the information that I have been given and detailed health questions are not handled through our support chat. You would need to speak with someone qualified to give you detailed health information.

  2. For some strange reason (BluCigs hacking my blog?!?) this got deleted. Too great to let disappear through, I especially enjoy that the manufacturer is not qualified to provide detailed health information about their own product. Such detail like "will it kill me".

    Via MooHammer:

    live chat offered no further insight:

    Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK16603714196X

    Parker: Hello. Thank you for contacting Blu Cigs Help Desk. How may I assist you today?

    Major Tomas: I'm wondering how dangerous these products are vs. actual cigarettes...?

    Parker: blu is much healthier than a traditional cigarette. It doesn't contain the tar and the 3000+ other carcinogens present in traditional tobacco smoke.

    Parker: For further health questions we recommend speaking with your physician.

    Major Tomas: Are there medical studies or tests I can refer him to? I'm not sure he has any basis for comparison.

    Parker: Not that I'm aware of. We have had our eliquid tested and it has been found to be non-toxic.

    Major Tomas: Yeah, I guess that's kind of what I'm worried about. Nicotine is highly toxic. I'm sort of confused by that marketing claim.

    Parker: I recommend speaking to your physician about eliquid then. I can only provide you with the information that I have been given and detailed health questions are not handled through our support chat. You would need to speak with someone qualified to give you detailed health information.
