Thursday, November 11, 2010

Japan Tales - Arrival

Ah, Japan, you tempting seductress, with your panty vending machines and toilets more intelligent than the average 8th grader.  Yes, I just returned from a trip to Osaka to visit my in-laws.  I have been a few times before and have become somewhat accustomed to some of the peculiarities of the nation, but there are still new surprises for me every time.

This trip, it didn't take long to notice something a bit different.  While sitting in Tokyo awaiting my connecting flight, they began pre-boarding the flight.  Now, I know the drill; children, handicapped, those who need more time, I got it.  However, they seem to include a few more groups I am not as familiar with.  Unfortunately, I could not understand the announcements, and when this graphic appeared on the screens in the gate area it didn't exactly clarify things:

Now, some of these I do understand.  Top left, Japan Airlines logo, got it.  Bottom left, pregnant ladies, fair enough.  Top center, wheelchair bound passengers, with you still.  Bottom center, infants, okay as well.  Now, top right, apparently they feel the need to clarify that children in hats, and not just those in bibs, are also welcome to board early?  Or maybe bodyless children (could be a bigger problem in the far east)?  And then bottom right, I'm totally clueless.  Men in hats?  Mustachioed men?  Or maybe the two on the right are indicating that decapitated children and adults are welcome to preboard?  I'm not sure, all I know is I went to the bathroom, drew on a mustache, fashioned a hat out of paper towels, and got on the fucking plane.  Hey, I don't want those decapitated children filling up all the overhead compartments with their robot bodies.  

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