Just to be clear, I am not trying to be the grammar police here. I don't care if you use "thru" in an email. I'll receive "R U gonna B bak b4 we need 2 leeve" in a text and get over it eventually. I understand sacrificing grammar and spelling at the altar of efficiency. As one of the least patient people in the world, I get it. But when people either don't see what they're doing or just can't bother to give a damn on something more official, like a letter, or, say, signage inside a restaurant bathroom:
Well, that just pisses me off. Why does only one, singular, employee need to wash their hands? Excuse me for being a prude but I want ALL the employees to wash their hands after shitting. Actually, strike that, I want EVERYONE to wash their hands after shitting, whether you are being paid by this particular establishment or not. And none of this "wash hands" business. Just wash your damn hands, no quotes, no sarcasm needed. Now, I am not expecting nor wanting to walk into a restaurant bathroom and see a sign taking up half the mirror saying, "Please pardon the interruption kind sirs, but we, the ownership of this establishment, kindly request that all employees of our business, once they have thoroughly completed their activities in the restroom, do diligently wash their hands with hot water and soap, so as to reduce the risk of food born pathogens and bacteria making their way into the delicious food of the restaurant. We thank you for your time, attention, and aid in this endeavor." But somewhere between that and Employee Must "Wash Hands" I think we could find a happy medium. And while they're changing the sign, do you think they could also ask this mystical employee with the "clean hands" to maybe wash the counter? It appears the colony of bacteria living in the corner is making an excursion outward, looking to conquer more of the countertop. Nice.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
ahhhhh, my spirits are lifted by a good laugh...thanks!