I know people must buy skinsuits since they sell them on websites and carry them in stores. But, really? Really? Okay, if you are a professional cyclist and a small, almost dwarf-like frenchman hands you a skinsuit, emblazoned with sponsors logos, to wear the morning before a time trial, and you are being PAID to ride in it, and PAID by the sponsors on the skinsuit, and GIVEN the skinsuit, then FINE, I have no problem with it. But if the answer to any of those conditions is negative, then you are a douche. What is the point? Aerodynamics? How much air is really impeded by the joint between your jersey and bibs? Do you shave your eyebrows? Do you pluck your eyelashes? Do you tape your mouth shut and only breathe through your nose? Do you tape your ears back against your head (they're just flapping out there in the wind!)? Okay, FINE, if you do all those things than you can wear a skinsuit as well, even without being a pro, and not be a douche. Not saying you're normal, you are a freakshow, but at least you are douche-less. Why did they stop at connecting the shorts and jersey? Why not have a fully integrated time trial skinsuit, molded one piece from shoes to helmet. And if the Radioshack team debuts this very item at the Tour this year I am suing. Nike, Lance, Trek, Johann, even Levi, you will be hearing from my lawyer. And by my lawyer I mean my daughter. Who just managed to spit up breastmilk while simultaneously shitting her pants. She's a rare talent this one.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
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