Ah, Babies R Us, the repository (depository?) of all that you do and don't need to raise a child. But the worst thing for me is not the stupid products (and there are soooo many), it's the terrible, and I mean insanely terrible product packaging. Why did they decide to photoshop this baby's head on another body? If you answered because no baby would ever look that happy while wrapped inside a velcro bag, you sir are correct. The only thing you hope for when taping your child into a sack is that they stop crying/screaming/speaking in tongues and sleep for at least 3.2 minutes. If they look this happy it would just be disturbing. I mean, really, this child looks like they enjoy being restrained a little too much. They do say it's never too early to begin teaching, but usually a love of bondage is (hopefully) rather far down the list.
If that's not fitting with your parenting goals, then just slightly farther down the aisle you can find this, er, thing. Which, according to the information available on the label, will not only prevent your infant from dying from SIDS, but will also enable her to fly through outer space. Personally, given this choice between bondage and space flight, I know which one I'm choosing for my little girl. I'm assuming the bag confers some sort of protection for space travel. Although it doesn't say anything about protecting children from explosive depressurization, I'm assuming that's inferred by the "protects from SIDS" statement, right? Now I just need to figure out how to get her into low earth orbit. Hmm, maybe the next aisle over.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
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